Sunday, September 4, 2011

September Springier

Dear friends,

    Finally it is getting warmer here, September brings our spring. But it also brings dust storms and winds to our desert. Arequipa here is sure full of cars and smog, like never before. With growth comes many problems! God is so good to us and we thank Him for life, health, and the opportunity to spread His Word.

    In August, we participated in a couple more weddings of children of believers in our different churches here.  Also we were blessed with more baptisms. Some of our youth are winning their friends to the Lord and some of the believers' children are following the Lord this way. God is giving us growth. Please help us pray for Spiritual growth in these new believers' lives. Thanks!

    A dear missionary couple from Bolivia came over to give a seminar in Quechua for leaders from several of our mountain churches. We pray for lasting results in  the lives of the ones who attended and received the very helpful materials they brought. These help to really understand and study God's Word, to be able to share Him with others.  Bob has had some other fruitful trips in the ex ambulance.  He also travels by bus when he is only going for a short time a few hours away. The van is necessary to take Bibles and other materials, but bus travel is more economic as the price of our fuel here is very high. Also, the U.S. dollar has really dropped - lower than ever before.
Guess the depression in the U.S. will last for a while, but it does affect us here too, as well as in other countries, I am sure. We do thank the Lord for His provision in spite of all this.

       The school year is going fast! We thank the Lord for the opportunity to teach God's Word and pray this really will bear fruit in lives. Truly the school has helped us with the children of several of the believers here, and some of them are following the Lord. We thank Him for families! So many families are falling apart these days. We have several students from broken homes. They really need the Lord, so do their parents. Please help us pray for salvation here, and godly values in their lives.  The father of two of our high school girls just died a couple weeks ago. This is sad as we don't think he was a believer, though his widow is, and the girls at least are hearing God's Word. We do pray for them and their situation, difficult now.

    Please help us pray for the radio ministry, in Chuquibamba especially. There probably will have to be some changes there, and we pray God's provision and wisdom for the right decisions and management there. We do thank the Lord for the opportunity to broadcast His Word to many listeners this way. Thank you for praying.

    Truly, thank you so much for praying with us and sharing with us for the Lord's work here. We want to glorify Him with all He gives us. We trust, God willing, to be able to visit many of you this coming Jan. and Feb. 2012, in our short trip to the U.S. Thanks for helping us pray about this too.